2009年12月16日 星期三
【明報專訊】中國政府今年中提出強制境內銷售電腦預裝過濾軟件「綠壩」,引來強烈反彈,計劃最終擱置。未料半年後,澳洲 周二也提出類似計劃,可能成為首個立法指明要過濾網上內容的西方國家,馬上掀起箝制言論自由的批評。
澳洲通訊部長康羅伊(Stephen Conroy)稱,明年將推出新法例,設立一套過濾系統,禁止民眾登入那些內容涉及兒童淫褻、人獸交、強姦、鼓吹犯罪、濫藥等「不獲分類」(RC)網站,從而保護國民,特別是孩童,免受網上不良資訊荼毒。他表示政府將修例,要求全部網絡服務供應商(ISP)堵截源自海外伺服器的RC級內容。當局將協助他們執行過濾,還會撥款鼓勵他們應住宅用戶要求,對X級內容和賭博網站等提供額外過濾。法例將於明年8月提交國會審議,最快2011年初實施。澳洲家庭事務部周一亦就應否對電腦遊戲增設R18+分類級別,展開公眾諮詢。
西方國家常標榜重視言論自由,加拿大 、瑞典 和英國 雖然都有網絡過濾措施,但都強調供應商「自願」參與。在美國 ,賓夕法尼亞州曾要求服務供應商擋塞兒童色情網站,但因過濾器連合法網站都攔截了,結果法院推翻了有關的州法例。
法新社/悉尼 先驅晨報/美聯社
2009年10月8日 星期四
Gmail, Yahoo Mail join Hotmail; passwords exposed
Google's Gmail and Yahoo's Mail were also targeted by a large-scale phishing attack, perhaps the same one that harvested at least 10,000 passwords from Microsoft's Windows Live Hotmail, according to a report by the BBC.
Microsoft, for its part, said late yesterday that it had blocked all hijacked Hotmail accounts, and offered tools to help users who had lost control of their e-mail.
Gmail was the target of what Google called a large-scale phishing campaign, the company told the BBC. "We recently became aware of an industry-wide phishing scheme through which hackers gained user credentials for Web-based mail accounts including Gmail accounts," a Google spokesperson told the news network.
The BBC also said it has seen a list of some 20,000 hijacked e-mail accounts; the list included accounts from Gmail, Yahoo Mail, AOL, Comcast and EarthLink. The latter two are major US Internet service providers.
"As soon as we learned of the attack, we forced password resets on the affected accounts," the Google spokesperson also told the BBC. "We will continue to force password resets on additional accounts when we become aware of them."
Neither Google's or Yahoo's US representatives responded to e-mails from Computerworld seeking confirmation that their Gmail and Yahoo Mail services were targeted by phishers, or answers to questions about how many accounts had been compromised and what the firms are doing to help users.
Neowin.net, the site that first reported the Hotmail account hijacking early Monday, today added that it had seen the same list of compromised accounts as the BBC.
"Neowin can today reveal that more lists are circulating with genuine account information and that over 20,000 accounts have now been compromised," said the Windows enthusiast site . "[The] new list contains e-mail accounts for Gmail, Yahoo, Comcast, EarthLink and other third-party popular Web mail services."
Microsoft has acknowledged that log-on credentials for "several thousand" Hotmail accounts had been obtained by criminals, probably through a phishing attack that had duped users into divulging their usernames and passwords.
Late Monday, Microsoft said it was blocking access to all the accounts whose details had been posted on the Web last week. "We are taking measures to block access to all of the accounts that were exposed and have resources in place to help those users reclaim their accounts," the company said on its Windows Live blog .
Microsoft posted an online form where users who have been locked out of their accounts can verify their identity and reclaim control, and also pointed users to a support page from October 2008 that spells out steps users can take if they think their accounts have been hijacked.
After a slump earlier this year, phishing attacks are on the upswing, according to the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG). Its most recent data -- for the first half of 2009 ( download PDF ) -- noted that the number of unique phishing-oriented Web sites had surged to nearly 50,000 in June, the largest number since April 2007 and the second-highest total since the industry association started keeping records.
Yesterday, Dave Jevans, the chairman of APWG, called the Hotmail phishing attack one of the largest ever, but cautioned that the usernames and passwords may have been harvested over several months, and not by a single, defined attack.
2009年9月11日 星期五
Software Freedom Day 2009
Date: 19 September 2009, Saturday
Time: 1300 - 1800
Venue: Lecture Theatre LT-3, Classroom Y4701 and Y4702, 4/F City University of Hong Kong, 83 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
2009年8月13日 星期四
Barcamp Hong Kong 2009

Barcamp 香港 :
日期:2009年9月12日 (六)
地點:港島鰂魚涌太古坊 濠豐大廈30樓 特納國際亞太有限公司
會後酒吧小聚 :
日期:2009年9月12日 (六)
地點:港島鰂魚涌糖廠街23-27號 East End Brewery
參加者請入 barcamphk 網頁報名 !
2009年8月12日 星期三
2009年8月4日 星期二
SmarTone-Vodafone終於為港人提供免費Netbook, Netbook名為”Vodafone Netbook Vitesse”, 只須登記內置隨身寬頻計劃2年(高 達 7.2Mbps 下 載 / 5.76Mbps 上 載)就可免費得到, 計落都只是$7632就可享有2年隨身寬頻計劃及內置3G功能的Vodafone Netbook Vitesse, 非常吸引!!
2009年7月15日 星期三
山寨Netbook利潤低 深圳廠爆倒閉潮
【本報訊】隨覑迷你手提電腦(Netbook)大行其道,讓不少深圳山寨廠轉型生產山寨Netbook。然 而,熱潮持續不到半年,山寨Netbook就已陷入生存危機,無法延續山寨手機的「神話」。據網易科技消息,深圳山寨市場裡的電子產品製造商開始爆發倒閉 潮與「走佬」潮。據業界非正式的統計數據,過去1個月內有數十家山寨廠倒閉。
名牌貨劈價 山寨無優勢
由於以上各種原因,陸續有山寨廠開始不支倒閉。業內人士估計,至今已有上百家山寨廠關門大吉。山寨 廠老闆「走佬」的消息更不時傳出。「老闆『走佬』已是見怪不怪。」山寨廠商陳先生說,現在是市場洗牌的時候,除了較大的山寨廠,大部分都在艱難地撐覑,撐 不了就只能提前退出。
2009年6月26日 星期五
在英國政府內統領保安事務的韋斯特勛爵 (Lord West)發出警告,指現時已經漸漸普及成為人類生活一部分的電子通訊產品例如「黑莓」(Blackberry)和iPhone手機等,很容易被間諜、犯 罪分子甚至恐怖分子襲擊。事實上,拉登領導的恐怖組織「基地」正意圖向英國發動電子及網絡戰,英國決定成立一個電子及網絡保安部門,加強防衛能力,應付這 方面的威脅,包括來自中國和俄羅斯的威脅。
2009年6月10日 星期三
Facebook Username
Get your thinking caps on because you have just a few days to figure out the vanity URL you want to have associated with your Facebook page. They’re coming, not just for celebrities and well-known people, but for us ordinary people who Facebook has finally decided are deserving of a name rather than a number.
The rumors that have been doing the rounds for a couple of weeks have proved true - Facebook is introducing vanity URLs this Saturday (June 13). From 12:01 a.m. EDT on that day you’ll be given the option to choose a username for your Facebook profile which will then form the URL. So it’ll go from Facebook.com/01010101 to Facebook.com/ilovevanityurls or whatever you want it to be.
There are multiple reasons Facebook is doing this, the first being that there’s been a demand for it, particularly in light of the popularity of Twitter and its vanity URLs. It will also help SEO, help people connect with other easier by simply giving out their Facebook username rather than instructing someone to search for them, and introduce the possibility for @myname type responses to be made. The last of which is likely to turn Facebook more into Twitter than it already is.
Facebook is setting some ground rules on the process. Most importantly, once chosen, the username cannot be changed. Ever. Which means you need to get it right the first time. Unless you fancy setting a new account up and rebuilding your friends list just to get a new username.
Not that you’ll be able to do that for a while. In an attempt to prevent username squatting, Facebook will initially not allow anyone who set an account up after 3 p.m. today to choose a vanity URL. At least for the time being. I suspect it’ll be at least a month or two until the situation changes.
There was early speculation that the vanity URLs would have to be paid for but it looks as though Facebook has decided against charging for the pleasure of being a name rather than a number. Probably because only a tiny minority would have bothered paying the asking price. So free it is, thankfully.
StatCounter - Free Web Tracker and Counter
# Rumor: Facebook preparing to roll out vanity URLs
# Forget domain squatting, now it’s username squatting
# Facebook plans to launch Facebook Connect
# Google targeting Facebook and MySpace
# Facebook working to take on iTunes Store, Amazon MP3 Service
2009年6月3日 星期三
New malware attack infecting Web sites
Security firm Websense has put out an advisory warning Web site owners about malicious code that redirects surfers to seemingly safe sites.
About 40,000 Web sites appear to have been compromised with rogue JavaScript code that redirects Web surfers to a fake Google Analytics site, after which they get passed onto a site that tries to exploit Internet Explorer or Firefox vulnerabilities to infect that PC with malware, according to a Websense researcher quoted by Computerworld. Just for good measure, if the site can't find a browser vulnerability, it tries to trick the user into downloading a Trojan.
It's not clear how the sites were compromised, but Computerworld reported the redirect sites are being hosted in the Ukraine, implying that the Russian Business Network is behind the threat.
This is a separate scam from the Gumblar attack that made the rounds last week, according to Websense.
2009年5月21日 星期四
小心 IIS 漏洞
It apparently didn't take long for hackers to try to take advantage of a zero-day hole in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS).
Ball State University in Muncie, Ind., told The Register that servers running the program were breached on Monday, the same day Microsoft warned the public about the vulnerability.
Students accessing their iWeb pages on Monday saw messages saying the system had been hacked, The Register reported on Wednesday. There is no evidence data was stolen or malicious files uploaded, however the iWeb accounts were expected to be offline until Thursday or Friday, according to Patty Lucas, a senior help desk support administrator for the university's computing services department.
Microsoft, meanwhile, said it has investigated a public report of a targeted attack on the IIS hole, but did not specify whether it was the Ball State University breach that was looked into.
The investigation "revealed that the vulnerability was not exploited to accomplish this attack," a Microsoft spokeswoman wrote in an e-mail late on Wednesday. "Microsoft is still not aware of attacks that are trying to use this vulnerability or of customer impact at this time."
The computing services department referred a call from CNET News on Wednesday afternoon to the communications department, which was already closed for the day.
The security vulnerability could allow an attacker to gain access to a location that typically requires authentication by using a specially crafted anonymous HTTP request, according to the Microsoft security bulletin. The problem exists in the way that the WebDAV extension for IIS handles HTTP requests.
According to a posting to the Full Disclosure security e-mail list on Friday, the IIS security vulnerability was discovered on May 12 by Nikolaos Rangos.
2009年5月20日 星期三
Google 周 二 開 始 在 旗 下 的 免 費 電 郵 服 務 Gmail 加 入 自 動 翻 譯 功 能 , 讓 用 戶 只 要 按一 按 滑 鼠 鍵 , 就 可 將 電 郵 訊 息 翻 譯 成 另 一 種 語 言 , 目 前 可 供 翻 譯 的 語 言 達 數 十 種 之多 。
2009年5月14日 星期四
中國勁 !
據報道,美國國家情報局和戰略司令部顧問科爾曼( Kevin Coleman),上月底在國會聽證會透露,中國已部署好打網絡戰,早於 2001年開始研發麒麟電腦作業系統,政府和軍方前年開始轉用,大大強化伺服器安全防衞能力,使美國網絡攻擊能力大為削弱。美國網絡戰向來針對安全性較低的微軟視窗、 Linux和 UNIX,面對中國國產麒麟,暫未做到知己知彼。
加拿大電腦安全專家羅賀辛斯基( Rafal Rohozinski)透露,他經兩年調查發現,中國政府贊助的「鬼網」策劃了一個極度精密的全球電腦攻擊網,鬼網的電子攻擊源自海南島的電子郵件,專門針對大使館和非政府組織電腦。
中國軍方又不斷招募黑客,像 2005年招募了四川大學研究生譚代林(譯音),連續 30天每天 16小時訓練他發動網絡攻擊,同年年底他已成功入侵五角大廈電腦。
2009年4月27日 星期一
Netbooks 2.0
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A new class of cheaper, smaller netbook computers might upset the IT establishment this year and potentially usher in new players in a hotly competitive market.
The biggest change in the new pint-sized laptops is what they won't have: Intel Corp (INTC.O) chips or a Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O) Windows PC operating system, which dominate netbooks today.
The new netbooks, which use less energy, will run on the low-power ARM processor platform now used in nine out of 10 mobile phones, rather than Intel's x86-based Atom chip. The U.K.-based ARM Holdings Plc (ARM.L) licenses the chip technology.
As many as 10 ARM-based netbook models could hit the market this year, according to ARM, which declined to identify specific manufacturers. Major PC players and Asian contract manufacturers alike are interested, analysts say.
Enderle Group analyst Rob Enderle called the new netbooks "incredibly disruptive," saying: "This is a market that puts the existing PC structure at risk."
While analysts say it's not yet clear if consumers will embrace the ARM devices, interest has been galvanized by the emphasis on power efficiency, prices as low as $200 and the promise of anywhere, anytime computing on PCs small enough to slip into a purse.
What's sacrificed is users' familiarity with PC-based interfaces and systems and sheer processing power. The current $300-$400 Atom netbooks are already mainly good for just surfing the Web and less graphics-intensive applications.
"We're right in the middle of a huge shift in the market," said Eric Openshaw, U.S. technology leader for Deloitte LLP.
Openshaw said non-Windows netbooks will need to demonstrate a simple and accessible user interface at the application level if they hope to gain traction with consumers.
Windows XP can't run on ARM, so the new netbooks will have Linux-based software, including, analysts and industry executives say, Google Inc (GOOG.O) Android, which has been used so far in smartphones.
But don't count Microsoft out just yet. Although the software giant declined to comment when asked if it is planning an operating system for the new netbooks, analysts say it could easily enter the market if it chose.
Intel pointed out there are as yet no ARM netbooks on the market and that its Atom chip has a full year's head start.
"We're not slowing down, we fully expect competition and we continue to believe that Atom is the right choice for our customers and consumer," said spokesman Bill Calder.
The still-evolving netbook market is growing thick with players from all over the tech sector. Wireless carriers such as AT&T Inc (T.N) are helping lead the charge, while graphics chipmaker Nvidia Corp (NVDA.O), wireless chipmaker Qualcomm Inc (QCOM.O) and Freescale Semiconductor Inc have all designed ARM-based processors that can be used in netbooks.2009年4月25日 星期六
專案小組人員之一,趨勢科技網路威脅研究員佛格森 (Paul Ferguson)說,這隻難纏的電腦蠕蟲將根據程式設定在25日進行演化,變得更難遏止。
微 軟已經修改免費的惡意電腦軟體移除工具(Malicious Software Removal Tool )來偵測和消滅Conficker。該公司安全反應部門主管巴德(Christopher Budd)說,「由於這隻病毒持續演化,微軟和其他合作公司將持續找出瓦解Conficker威脅的新方法,讓消費者有更多的時間來更新系統。」
Conficker被設定為一天攻擊250個網站,從控制殭屍電腦的主機下載指令。根據電腦安全公司F-Secure的海波寧 (Mikko Hypponen)表示,從25日開始,這隻電腦蠕蟲將開始每天連結5萬個網站,而且更難偵測得到。
02 Apr 2009
Conficker 主要經由Windows 伺服器修補漏洞、猜測網絡密碼、以及 USB 記憶體。它們會找尋不同域名的網站伺服器,然後看準保安漏洞,把啟動程式下載至系統,蠕蟲引發的最典型問題是網絡用戶無法登入其個人帳戶,這是由於蠕蟲試 圖猜測或利用密碼破解方法竊取網絡密碼所致。當蠕蟲三次輸入密碼失敗,密碼便會自動鎖上,令用戶無法登入。
一 旦電腦受到蠕蟲感染,病毒便會發揮強勁的自我保護功能。而變種 Conficker 每天可自行衍生50,000個域名,然後利用其中 500個地址進行繁殖和散播病毒。此外,它還可自行破解使用簡單密碼的網絡共享程式和軟件,然後將惡意程式複製到資料匣,再感染其他使用者;此外,還會嘗 試透過其他可攜式儲存設備擴大感染範圍,更嚴重的是,黑客可利用遭受 Conficker 感染的電腦組成大型殭屍網絡(Botnet),將惡勢力進一步擴張。換言之,一旦用家的電腦中了 Conficker,就表示電腦變成國際網絡犯罪集團一分子。
F-Secure 保安事故應變經理謝榮輝指,儘管Conflicker破壞力強勁,但暫時沒有迹象顯示有具破壞性的事故發生,懷疑他們故意保留實力,伺機再出擊。
根據F-Secure 保安實驗室的數字,截至2009 年2 月香港共錄得4544宗Conficker感染個案,約佔總數的0.24%,在全球排行榜佔第40 位。
「感 染此蠕蟲的症狀之一,是會阻擋電腦存取網際網路安全公司的網站,」McAfee Avert Labs 專家 Dave Marcus 說。「一個很好的測試指標,就是試著連線到可下載防毒軟件的網站。如果無法連線,那您最好馬上利用搜尋功能到網上下載工具,掃描與清除已經中毒的電腦。您 也應該安裝 Microsoft 的修正程式來避免蠕蟲再次自我安裝。」
由 於 Conficker 會阻擋知名的安全網站。如果使用者無法取得 Stinger 清除工具,則可以利用搜尋功能到網際網路搜尋「stinger virus removal」。使用者也可以從未中毒電腦下載該工具,並利用 USB 磁碟機將其傳輸到中毒電腦進行清除作業。
2009年3月20日 星期五
WordCamp 是一個由 WordPress 創辦的會議活動,讓 Bloggers、 WordPress 使用者、WordPress 開發者互相交流分享。WordPress 創辦人之一 Matt Mullenweg 和 Automattic 公司的將會來臨香港進行演講和交流,也讓 Matt 藉此了解香港 bloggers、使用者、WordPress 開發者。
WordCamp 將會首次在香港舉行,詳情如下。
費用:港幣 25 元(Early-bird登記只收 10 元)
香港 WordCamp 官方網頁: http://hk.wordcamp.org/
WordPress 官方網頁: http://www.wordpress.org/
Sammy Fung
Software Developer, Engineer.
Personal Blog - http://sammy.hk
2009年2月25日 星期三
2009年2月13日 星期五
Punch Party 2月20日降臨香港
首次 Punch Party Hong Kong 詳情:
2009年1月12日 星期一
2009年1月6日 星期二
那麼,這段 YouTube video 可以先暏為快一下:
OLPC, by David Pogue
講返正題,「每童一電腦」(One Laptop Per Child, OLPC) 是由麻省理工學院 (MIT) 多媒體實驗室發起並組織的教育計劃,藉由生產接近 100 美元、運行 Linux 和各類 open source 軟件的筆記型電腦,交給發展中國家的兒童,作為學習工具來降低知識鴻溝的差距。
基於計劃對象為發展中國家的兒童,故不會在已發展國家出售。一般人若想取得 OLPC,需透過一項名為 G1G1 (Get 1 Give 1) 的捐助計劃 - 付出兩台 OLPC 的價錢,在獲得一部 OLPC 的同時,將另一部送給發展中國家的兒童手中。今年的 G1G1 計劃終於包括香港地區,並會把捐增的 OLPC送到四川的兒童手上,而所需的費用為港幣 $3380。
為了讓大家進一步認識 OLPC 計劃及成果 -親身近、距離接觸 XO 手提電腦,
開放系統研用協會 (OAKA) 將於 2009 年 1月10日 在香港大學舉辦一場 OLPC 講座,
OLPC -為何你要知?
講者:Henry Law (OLPC 計劃義工)
日期:2009 年 1月 10日
時間:14:30 - 16:30
第一節:14:30 - 15:30
1. OLPC 及 G1G1 計劃介紹
2. OLPC-XO 電腦介紹
1. 硬體特色
2. 軟件設計特色
3. 各類教學軟件示範及介紹
第二節:15:30 - 16:30
1. OLPC XO 電腦試用
地點:香港大學 梁球琚大樓 LG102 室
Wily Yuen
OAKA exco member