2012年11月9日 星期五

手機軟件病毒 一晚「偷」錢200


香港文匯報訊(記者 古寧 廣州報道)廣州荔灣區虞先生近日用手機上網下載一軟件後,話費莫名被扣近200元。經檢測,是手機感染了一款名為「扣費陷阱」的新病毒。華南理工大學信息 安全系相關人士指,虞先生的手機感染病毒主要針對安卓(Android)和塞班(Symbian)系統手機。根據華工信息安全系的檢測平台顯示,僅上個月 至今,廣東已有約20萬手機用戶中招。



 華南理工大學信息安全系一馮姓老師介紹,虞先生的手機感染了一款名為「扣費陷阱」的新病毒,這一病 毒主要針對安卓和塞班系統的手機。「它厲害的地方在於,可以屏蔽扣費業務反饋給用戶的確認或扣費短信,讓手機用戶完全不知曉訂購了相關業務。」馮老師介 紹,該款病毒最喜歡藏匿到熱門軟件中,比如遊戲軟件「憤怒的小鳥」、閱讀軟件「書城」等等。此外,該病毒還具有「傳染性」,一旦使用了受感染的軟件,病毒 會趁機「溜」到手機的其他軟件裡。 


 馮老師表示,手機下載軟件,建議選擇正規的下載市場。同時,最好為手機安裝必要的殺毒軟件,如殺毒 先鋒、360安全衛士、安管家等等,並定期更新病毒庫。最簡單的自檢方式是用手機發送免費短信「0000」到「10086」(中移動用戶),10分鐘內將 收到反饋短信,詳細列出所訂購業務,從中查詢有否被惡意代購,「如果收不到反饋短信,說明你的手機很有可能中毒了,因為短信已被病毒屏蔽」。 


 如扣費精靈:該惡意軟件偽裝百度地圖、天氣通、捕魚達人、切水果等正常軟件;扣費無間道:該惡意軟 件感染的應用程序,包括安卓卸載大師、酷我音樂、超音速飛行中文版、競技摩托等一系列軟件;彩信殭屍:該惡意軟件在正常使用情況下,安裝後無圖標,無提示 後台不定時聯網,上傳用戶手機隱私信息,接收服務器指令亂發短信,不定時獲取最新變種自動下載靜默安裝。

2012年11月5日 星期一

Open Source Workshop #10 (Nov 2012) - Ubuntu 12.10 Release (11/25)

Ubuntu 香港本地社群團隊、香港Linux用家協會 (HKLUG) 及 OpenSource.HK 將會在本月開源工作坊上,一同分享最新推出的 Ubuntu 12.10 使用經驗,和慶祝 12.10 推出。希望大家來參加。
本活動是第 10 次開源工作坊 (2012年11月),接待從 2:00pm 開始。

日期: 2012 年 11 月 25 日 (星期日).
2:30pm - 5:30pm
地點: 香港城市大學一號教學樓 5/F Y5-303 課室。

我們會做甚麼 ?
1. 分享你的 Ubuntu 經驗和問題。
2. 五分鐘閃電講,如果有意講,可以先提供題目給我們。
3. 協助新手安裝 Ubuntu 12.10 (請自備手提電腦, 火牛拖板, 及安裝CD/USB媒體)
4. 討論: (有待決定...)
5. 認識新朋友,見見老朋友,建立你的開源社交網絡。
特別鳴謝: 香港城市大學電腦系. (場地提供)
  1. 下 一次 Hacking Thursday Hong Kong 閒聚將於 11 月 22 日星期四舉行, 詳情和報名將會在 11 月於 Hacking Thursday Hong Kong 和香港 Linux 用家協會 (HKLUG) facebook group 內公佈。
  2. 新建立的香港本地及亞洲區開源活動日曆,已在 http://www.opensource.hk/calendar 開放。

2012年10月12日 星期五

2012-10-06 Enlarge your GNOME videos

2012-10-06 Enlarge your GNOME, speaker Mart Van de Ven, part 1

2012-10-06 Enlarge your GNOME, speaker Mart Van de Ven, part 2

2012-10-06 Enlarge your GNOME, speaker Mart Van de Ven, part 3

2012-10-06 Enlarge your GNOME, speaker Mart Van de Ven, part 4

2012-10-06 Enlarge your GNOME, speaker Mart Van de Ven, part 5

2012-10-06 Enlarge your GNOME, speaker Mart Van de Ven, part 6

2012-10-06 GNOME 3.6 videos

2012-10-06 GNOME 3.6 , Speaker: Mathieu Briton, part 1

 2012-10-06 GNOME 3.6 , Speaker: Mathieu Briton, part 2

2012-10-06 GNOME 3.6 , Speaker: Mathieu Briton, part 3

2012-10-06 GNOME 3.6 , Speaker: Mathieu Briton, part 4

2012-10-06 GNOME 3.6 , Speaker: Mathieu Briton, part 5

 2012-10-06 GNOME 3.6 , Speaker: Mathieu Briton, part 6

2012-10-06 GNOME 3.6 , Speaker: Mathieu Briton, part 7

2012-10-06 GNOME 3.6 , Speaker: Mathieu Briton, part 8

[Open Source Workshop #9 (Oct 2012)]


Date : 2012年10月6
Time : 14:30 至 18:00
Location : Classroom Y5-303, 5/F Academic 1, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong.

14:30 - Opening of the event

14:35-15:20 - GNOME, A Free Operating System for everyone (by Mathieu Bridon)

15:25-16:10 - Enlarge your GNOME (by Mart Van de Ven)

16:15-17:45 - Unconference (by everybody)
17:50 - Wrap-up, closing of the event

18:00 - Dinner at canteen or nearby restaurant (optional)

 Mathieu Bridon talks about GNOME 3.6

 Mart Van de Ven talks about GNOME and its future

2012年10月10日 星期三

量子電腦加密系統 改變人類生活


今年兩位諾貝爾物理學獎得主,成功捕捉粒子觀察,解決了量子物理學家難以在不影響其量子特性下困住粒子的難題。解決了這難題,科學家從此可研發量子電腦、 量子資訊及加密系統,徹底改變未來人類生活。


量子電腦有別於傳統電腦。現時電腦用的是二元碼,以0或1的位元資料儲存。量子電腦運算用來存儲數據的對象是量子位元(qubit),在量子疊加狀態下, 量子位元可能是0或1,或既是0又是1,增大資料儲存空間,運作速度也超快,像目前最快的超級電腦運算500個位的整數需10億年,但未來量子電腦只需1 分鐘。
而 量子密碼也是利用量子力學的特性,以確通訊的高度安全性,量子密碼的特質是當第三方試圖竊聽密碼時,通訊雙方都會察覺,通過量子疊加狀態或量子糾纏態來傳 輸信息,通信系統便可檢測是否存在竊聽,所以量子密碼保密的程度,連量子電腦也破解不了,相信日後可應用在國防機構和銀行的保安系統上。

2012年8月1日 星期三

HK Open Source Newsletter #11 (2012/08/01)

香港開源通訊 HK Open Source Newsletter #11 (2012/08/01)
文/Editor: Sammy Fung (opensource.hk community coordinator)
(***English version is enclosed after Chinese version***)



08/04 開源工作坊 Open Source Workshop #8 (2012/8月份)
08/18-19 [台灣] 開源人年會 (COSCUP) 2012
08/23 與 Dirk Riehle 教授相聚和分享 - Open Source Developer Belief vs. Reality: The Case of the Commit Size Distribution
09/15 軟件自由日 Software Freedom Day 2012

開源工作坊 Open Source Workshop #8 (Aug 2012) 
8月4日, 城大 4/F P4704 課室

Raspberry Pi by Wan Leung Wong.
Scrapy by Sammy Fung.
討論有關成立本地 GNOME 用家小組 by Haggen So.討論有關尋找本地 Mozilla 社群代表 by Haggen So.
討論其他 F/OSS 話題.

[台灣台北市] 開源人年會 (COSCUP) 2012
8月18-19日, International Conference Hall, Humanities & Social Sciences Building, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.

Over 10+ participants from Hong Kong are registered and will attend COSCUP in Taipei this year.


Meet with Prof Dirk Riehle - Open Source Developer Belief vs. Reality: The Case of the Commit Size Distribution
8月23日, 地點待定

Prof. Dr. Dirk Riehle, M.B.A., is the Professor for Open Source Software at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Abstract: The design of software development tools follows from what the developers of such tools believe is true about software development. A key aspect of such beliefs is the size of code contributions (commits) to a software project. In this paper, we show that what tool developers think is true about the size of code contributions is different by more than an order of magnitude from reality. We present
this reality, called the commit size distribution, for a large sample of open source and selected closed source projects. We suggest that these new empirical insights will help improve software development tools by aligning underlying design assumptions closer with reality.

軟件自由日 2012 - 香港 (Software Freedom Day 2012, Hong Kong)
9月15日, 地點待定

為了軟件自由日 2012,今年 HKLUG 和 OpenSource.HK 再一次組成一支本地團隊在香港舉辦活動。
我們會在本地大學舉行講座來宣傳和解釋何為自由軟件,預期容納最多 100 位出席者。


新建的 Linux、Open Source 及相關討論群組

Hong Kong Linux User Group - 一般討論:

Open Source Hong Kong - 一般討論:

你可以使用 Gmail 或 Google Apps 帳號來加入和訂閱有關討論群組。

(HKLUG 一般討論) hklug+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com
(Open Source HK 一般討論) opensourcehk+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com

[ ****** English ****** ]
To promote open source, you are welcome to forward this newsletter to your friends.
Highlights of This Edition
Aug 04 Open Source Workshop #8 (Aug 2012)
Aug 18-19 [Taiwan] Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters (COSCUP) 2012
Aug 23 Meet with Prof Dirk Riehle - Open Source Developer Belief vs. Reality: The Case of the Commit Size Distribution
Sep 15 Software Freedom Day 2012 

Open Source Workshop #8 (Aug 2012) 
Aug 4, CityU 4/F P4704

Raspberry Pi by Wan Leung Wong.
Scrapy by Sammy Fung.
Discussion on setting up a local GNOME User Group by Haggen So.
Discussion on finding a local Mozilla Representative by Haggen So.

Other topics or free discussions on F/OSS.

[Taipei, Taiwan] Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters (COSCUP) 2012
Aug 18-19, International Conference Hall, Humanities & Social Sciences Building, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.

Over 10+ participants from Hong Kong are registered and will attend COSCUP in Taipei this year.


Meet with Prof Dirk Riehle - Open Source Developer Belief vs. Reality: The Case of the Commit Size Distribution
Aug 23, Venue T.B.C.

Prof. Dr. Dirk Riehle, M.B.A., is the Professor for Open Source Software at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Abstract: The design of software development tools follows from what the developers of such tools believe is true about software development. A key aspect of such beliefs is the size of code contributions (commits) to a software project. In this paper, we show that what tool developers think is true about the size of code contributions is different by more than an order of magnitude from reality. We present
this reality, called the commit size distribution, for a large sample of open source and selected closed source projects. We suggest that these new empirical insights will help improve software development tools by aligning underlying design assumptions closer with reality.

Software Freedom Day 2012, Hong Kong
Sep 15, Venue T.B.C.

For SFD 2012, a local team in Hong Kong is formed again by SFDHK 2009-2011 organizers (Hong Kong Linux User Group and Open Source Hong Kong). We will organise a talk in a local University to promote and explain what is Free Software, and SFD 2012 is expected to going up to 100 people.


New discussion mailing list / google group for open source and related topics

Hong Kong Linux User Group - General Discussion:

Open Source Hong Kong - General Discussion:

You can subscribe above google groups (aka mailing lists) with any of your gmail / google apps accounts.

For other users, to subscribe it, send a email to:
(HKLUG discussion mailing list) hklug+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com
(Open Source HK discussion mailing list) opensourcehk+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com

and you will get a auto-response to verify your address, just click reply and send it, and then subscription process is completed.

Let's enjoy discussion.

Yours Sincerely,
Sammy Fung
Open Source HK Community Coordinator

2012年7月14日 星期六

黑 客 盜 雅 虎 45 萬 戶 密 碼








  雅虎在港的發言人表示,今次事件受影響用戶為美國當地服務Yahoo! Contributor Network的部分用戶,原則上香港用戶不受影響。發言人稱經了解後,相信蔡建祥的電郵所出現的問題,與今次美國當地服務的事故無關,昨已向蔡發給全新的電郵密碼;而用戶亦應定期掃毒,並更換帳號密碼。


2012年7月11日 星期三

HK Open Source Newsletter #11 (2012/07/11)

  1. 台灣 COSCUP 2012 初步議程公佈和 VIP 邀請
  2. 八月份開源工作坊 Open Source Workshop #8 (8月4日)
台灣 COSCUP 2012 初步議程公佈和 VIP 邀請

COSCUP 2012 的初步議程現已公佈,8月18-19日(星期六及日)於台北中央研究院舉行。


我們手上仍有少量 VIP 邀請碼,如有意參加COSCUP 2012的朋友,可以在星期五(7/13)前跟 Sammy Fung 聯系。

VIP邀請詳情: http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fopensource.hk%2Fnode%2F761&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNGsDsc5zKkCLzMFfQ7HvtWbHMfwuQ

八月份開源工作坊 Open Source Workshop #8
8月4日 (六),地點待訂

每月的開源工作坊 (Open Source Workshop) 提供聚會,讓開源軟件開發者、用家及推廣者分享開源軟件或相關的經驗和知識除了短講和閃電講外,也提供自由討論時間。2012年8月份暫訂分享題目:
  • Raspberry Pi by Wan Leung Wong.
  • Scrapy by Sammy Fung.
詳情: http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fopensource.hk%2Fnode%2F763&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFI230AwMvdrPte3a2h7p8QD9LdsQ
報名: http://registrano.com/events/4203bb
To promote open source, you are welcome to forward this newsletter to your friends.
Highlights of This Edition
  1. Taiwan COSCUP 2012 Preliminary Agenda is released and VIP invitation
  2. 2012/08 Open Source Workshop #8 (Aug 4)
Taiwan COSCUP 2012 Preliminary Agenda is released and VIP invitation

Preliminary Agenda of COSCUP 2012 is released, it will be hosted in Academia Sinica, Taipei on Aug 18-19 (Sat-Sun).

COSCUP (stands for Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters) is currently the largest open source annual conference in Taiwan and the Greater China. It's around 1.5 thousand participants attended COSCUP last year, including overseas speakers and participants.

Few VIP invitation codes are still available at opensource.hk, for any interested open source users, please contact with Sammy Fung before Friday (7/13).

Details of VIP invitation: http://opensource.hk/en/node/762

2012/08 Open Source Workshop #8
Aug 4 (Sat), Venue T.B.C.

Open Source Workshop is a monthly meetup, to let open source developers, users and promoters to share open source and related experience and knowledge. Free group discussion will be started after short talks and lightning talks. We can bring
open source / Linux questions and ideas to workshop and look for answers, helps and ideas. Preliminary Topics in 2012/08 are:
  • Raspberry Pi by Wan Leung Wong.
  • Scrapy by Sammy Fung.
Details: http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fopensource.hk%2Fnode%2F764&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNF8rdXxMiFuz06y2-J_69D8OksYig
RSVP: http://registrano.com/events/4203bb?locale=en

Yours Sincerely,
Sammy Fung
Open Source HK Community Coordinator

2012年6月21日 星期四

Summer BarCampHK 現正報名,7月14日

[ Hong Kong Linux User Group (HKLUG) ] Summer BarCampHK 現正報名,7月14日 Cocoon。BarCamp

Sammy Fung2012年6月19日 16:10

Summer BarCampHK 現正報名,7月14日 Cocoon。BarCamp 是一個即場砌議程的開放分享學習活動。 http://summerbarcamphk2012.eventbrite.com/

2012年5月7日 星期一

Fedora User Meetup #1 (5/16)

Fedora 用家小聚 #1

Caius Chance 是一位來自澳洲的 Fedora Ambassador,希望跟香港 Linux 用家、HKLUG、OpenSource.HK 小聚。 (放心,他懂聽懂說廣東話,懂看懂打中文)

日期: 2012 年 5 月 16 日 (星期三)
時間: 晚上 7:30-10:00
地點: Network Box Corporation Limited, 16/F Metro Loft, 38 Kwai Hei Street, Kwai Chung, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
報名 RSVP: http://registrano.com/events/fedorahk1?locale=en  (* 請在 5 月 9 日或之前登記)
語言: 英文 / 廣東話
備註: 因應場地提供者要求估計人數,所以有意出席者須先報名 RSVP。

* 請在 5 月 9 日或之前登記

- Fedora 計畫介紹
- (Talks from bochecha and his colleagues of Fedora development. In communication)
- 討論中文有關的軟件和計畫
- 尋找貢獻者, FAS account set up and mailing list subscription
- 聯誼交流

Caius 是現任 Fedora 大使 (Ambassador) 指導委員會成員,
帶領超過 500 位 Fedora 大使,他會介紹 Fedora 計畫、社群、和加入方法。

Mathieu Bridon 是其中一位居於香港的 Fedora 大使。而 Mathieu 以及來自 HKLUG 和 OpenSource.HK 的 Haggen So, Sammy Fung 和 Wan Leung Wong 也會出席跟大家閒談。

Fedora 大使團隊支持各地社群舉辦活動,例如 Fedora 活動日 (Fedora Activity Day, FAD). FAD 簡單來說 FAD 是一個 Fedora 用家和任何其他開放原始碼貢獻者
一齊歡樂的聚會活動,Fedora 有一些給 FAD 的支出預算,例如飲食、場地、媒體/用品/設備等支出。

Wiki page of the event on Fedora Wiki - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FADHK201205

Facebook Event Page (只供宣傳用): https://www.facebook.com/events/381028465252360/

2012年4月23日 星期一

Ubuntu 12.04 Release Party (May 6) aka Open Source Workshop #6

Ubuntu 香港社群團隊、香港 Linux 用家協會、及 OpenSource.HK 一同為 Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 推出而舉辦用家聚會,和慶祝這個最新版本。這活動亦是 Open Source Workshop #5 (May 2012)。歡迎各用家朋友到來交流。

日期: 2012年5月6日 (星期日)
時間: 14:30-18:00
地點: 九龍塘香港城市大學一號教學樓 (Academic 1) 5/F Y5-204 課室.

1. 一起分享 Ubuntu 安裝經驗和問答
2. 即場 5 分鐘閃電講
3. 即場協助新手安裝 Ubuntu 12.04 (請自備手提電腦、電源、安裝媒體)
4. 小型討論: 閒談 Unity vs Gnome Shell vs 其他 desktop 環境
5. 如果仍未盡慶,還想繼續閒談 ? 可以一起晚飯再聊!
6. 結識新朋友,跟舊朋友見面。

報名 / RSVP: http://registrano.com/events/fbac5f/
Open Source Hong Kong Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/334228036609729/
Ubuntu Hong Kong Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/245063332258481/

未來其他自由及開放原始碼活動 (香港舉行,除另注外):
5/16 Fedora 用家聚會 #1 http://registrano.com/events/fedorahk1
6/9-10 GNOME.Asia 2012 亞洲峰會 http://2012.gnome.asia
7/7 每月聚會/年會 (有待確定 To Be Confirmed)
8/18-19 台灣開源人年會 COSCUP (Conference for Open Source Coders, Users, Promoters) http://www.coscup.org/
9/15 香港自由及開放原始碼年會 aka 國際軟件自由日 Software Freedom Day (有待確定 To Be Confirmed)

Sammy Fung

2012年4月15日 星期日



電腦保安公司 Sophos發現,上月 22日才面世的「憤怒鳥上太空」( Angry Birds Space)應用程式,有黑客把惡意程式植入遊戲放上網, Android機主下載,會被黑客控制手機。
Android採用的平台較開放,接受任何媒介開發的程式,卻增加惡意程式出現機會。 Sophos發言人克盧利指,含有惡意程式的遊戲,來自免費下載的非官方 Android app網站, Google Play下載的版本則不受影響。
克盧利指,新發現的木馬程式 Andr/KongFu-L,不但竊取儲存在手機內的 facebook和電郵登入名稱及密碼、銀行戶口資料,還會遙控手機安裝其他惡毒程式,以便黑客控制手機進行網絡襲擊,建議用戶在可靠網站下載程式,否則容易成為黑客犯罪工具。

2012年3月28日 星期三

香港開源通訊 HK Open Source Newsletter #8 (2012/03/28)

今天 (3月28日) 是文件自由日 (Document Freedom Day),請大家使用自由文件檔案格式傳送文件給他人。 http://bit.ly/GTsbVv


Open Source Workshop #5 (Apr 2011)
4月7日 (六) 14:30-18:00 城大 Y5-204 課室

每月定期舉辦開放源碼 / Linux 聚會 (通常每月第一個星期六),由 Open Source Hong Kong 和香港 Linux 用家協會聯合舉辦。

  • 帶我們大家的 open source / Linux 問題和 ideas 來 workshop,向別人尋找答案、幫助、ideas。
  • 在 5 分鐘的閃電講 / 25 分鐘演講,向別人介紹和分享你的經驗和知識。
  • 幫助新手在他們 laptop 上安裝 Linux,向新手講述和討論為何、如何使用 open source / Linux。
  • 跟舊朋友聚舊,認識新朋友,建立你在社群的人際網絡。
  • workshops 後可以一起去吃晚飯,繼續聊天。


  • F/OSS Community Updates (Sammy Fung)
  • Mesh networks using commodity WiFi routers and OpenWRT (Alexander List) (E)
  • IA32 architecture and use of bochs (Peter Cheung). (CC)
  • Lightning Talk: Platform Agnostic Engineering Education (Ma Xiaojun) (E)
  • 自由討論時間 - 帶我們大家的 open source / Linux 問題和 ideas 來 workshop,向別人尋找答案、幫助、ideas。

(w/ English slide: C - Cantonese / E - English / M - Mandarin)
(w/ Chinese slide: CC - Cantonese / EC - English / MC - Mandarin)

報名: https://www.facebook.com/events/319903998054295/ 或 email 給 webmaster@opensource.hk

Open Source Workshop #6 (May 2011) - Ubuntu 12.04 Release Party
暫訂5月6日 (日) 14:30-18:00 地點待定


Ubuntu 12.04 Long-Term Support 推出,本月份 Workshop 主題訂為 Ubuntu 12.04。Open Source HK、HKLUG 跟 Ubuntu 香港 Loco team 一起舉辦一個小型 Release Party。

  • 帶我們大家的 Ubuntu 12.04 問題和 ideas 來 workshop,向別人尋找答案、幫助、ideas。
  • 在 5 分鐘的閃電講 / 25 分鐘演講,向別人介紹和分享你的經驗和知識。
  • 幫助新手在他們 laptop 上安裝 Ubuntu 12.04,向新手講述和討論為何、如何使用 open source / Linux。
  • 跟舊朋友聚舊,認識新朋友,建立你在社群的人際網絡。
  • workshops 後可以一起去吃晚飯,繼續聊天。

報名: https://www.facebook.com/events/334228036609729/ 或 email 給 webmaster@opensource.hk

GNOME 亞洲峰會 2012 (香港)
暫訂 6月9-15日 地點待定

官網: http://bit.ly/gnomeasia2012

十幾年來,今年香港將舉行第一個亞洲區大型自由及開放原始碼軟件會議!繼北京、越南、台灣、印度後,香港 OAKA / HKLUG 成功申辦 2012 年的 GNOME.Asia Summit。 到時全球各地的自由及開放原始碼軟件,尤其是 GNOME / GTK 義務的開發者、市場推廣人員、用家等,也會乘飛機來到這個東方之都,雲集在香港。在香港的計劃書上,在 建議的一星期 GNOME.Asia Summit 2012 中,平日將會進行 GNOME 小型 Hackfest 和內部會議 (meeting),而週末則舉行公開會議 (public conference)。Conference 則提供 3 場 keynotes、16 場演講 (分 2 tracks)、Lightning talks 等活動,約可容納 300-400 人出席。而且很多外國自由軟件朋友來到香港,他/她們也想在香港觀光遊覽,官方也可能會舉辦香港一天遊。



  • 協助籌備活動的人員,以及活動當天的義工;
  • 協辦的團體;
  • 媒體、贊助商;
  • 等等。

Open Source HK Wiki: http://wiki.opensource.hk/index.php/GNOME.Asia_Summit_2012

希望大家盡快跟 HKLUG 主席 Haggen So 或與 OpenSource.HK 及 OAKA 顧問 Sammy Fung 聯系,出一分力,一起共同在香港辦一場最好的國際性開放原始碼會議及活動。給其他國際開放原始碼的軟件計畫或團隊作個好參考,吸引他們多些來香港舉行國際 性會議及活動。至少也不忘記得要來出席會議啊!

以上文章來源: http://sammy.hk/
Official Announcement from GNOME Foundation - http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnome.foundation.announce/514


  • 5/19 JSDC Taiwan - JavaScript Developer Conference Taiwan http://www.jsdc.tw
  • 8/15-16 COSCUP (Taipei, Taiwan) - Conference of Open Source Coders, Users, Promoters. http://www.coscup.org/
  • 9/15 Hong Kong F/OSS Conference and Software Freedom Day.


Sammy Fung

2012年2月23日 星期四

香港開源通訊 HK Open Source Newsletter #7 (2012/02/21)


1. GNOME 亞洲峰會 2012 決定在香港舉行
2. Open Source Workshop #4 (March 2012) (3/3 城大)
3. World Internet Developers' Summit 2012, Mozilla 及特別優惠
4. 大學生暑假參與開源軟件開發,來賺零用錢和結識外地朋友吧 - Google Summer of Code 2012
5. 台灣第一個 Javascript 會議 JSDC.tw (May 19) 及徵議題
6. OSDC.tw - 台灣 Open Source Developer Conference 2012 (Apr 14-15)
7. 其他文章、消息及活動

GNOME 亞洲峰會 2012 決定在香港舉行

十幾年來,今年香港將舉行第一個亞洲區大型自由及開放原始碼軟件會議!繼北京、越南、台灣、印度後,香港 OAKA / HKLUG 成功申辦 2012 年的 GNOME.Asia Summit。 到時全球各地的自由及開放原始碼軟件,尤其是 GNOME / GTK 義務的開發者、市場推廣人員、用家等,也會乘飛機來到這個東方之都,雲集在香港。在香港的計劃書上,在 建議的一星期 GNOME.Asia Summit 2012 中,平日將會進行 GNOME 小型 Hackfest 和內部會議 (meeting),而週末則舉行公開會議 (public conference)。Conference 則提供 3 場 keynotes、16 場演講 (分 2 tracks)、Lightning talks 等活動,約可容納 300-400 人出席。而且很多外國自由軟件朋友來到香港,他/她們也想在香港觀光遊覽,官方也可能會舉辦香港一天遊。



  • 協助籌備活動的人員,以及活動當天的義工;
  • 協辦的團體;
  • 媒體、贊助商;
  • 等等。

希望大家盡快跟 HKLUG 主席 Haggen So 或與 OpenSource.HK 及 OAKA 顧問 Sammy Fung 聯系,出一分力,一起共同在香港辦一場最好的國際性開放原始碼會議及活動。給其他國際開放原始碼的軟件計畫或團隊作個好參考,吸引他們多些來香港舉行國際 性會議及活動。至少也不忘記得要來出席會議啊!

以上文章來源: http://sammy.hk/
Official Announcement from GNOME Foundation - http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnome.foundation.announce/514

Open Source Workshop #4 (March 2012)
3月3日 (六) 14:30-18:00 城大 G5-215 課室

本月 Sammy 會分享一些香港及亞洲區自由及開放原始碼軟件社群的新消息,同時我們仍在找尋和有待確認更多的有趣題目作短講、工作坊或小組討論。如果

Open Source Workshop 簡介:

  • 帶我們大家的 open source / Linux 問題和 ideas 來 workshop,向別人尋找答案、幫助、ideas。
  • 在 5 分鐘的閃電講 / 25 分鐘演講,向別人介紹和分享你的經驗和知識。
  • 幫助新手在他們 laptop 上安裝 Linux,向新手講述和討論為何、如何使用 open source / Linux。
  • 跟舊朋友聚舊,認識新朋友,建立你在社群的人際網絡。
  • workshops 後可以一起去吃晚飯,繼續聊天。

報名: https://www.facebook.com/events/317087504996785/ 或 email 給 webmaster@opensource.hk

World Internet Developers' Summit 2012, Mozilla and a special offer to YOU!!!

WIDS 網頁: http://www.isoc.hk/wids

本網會員及香港Linux用家協會會員的折扣及免費優惠: 讀者只需以相同真實名字和電郵登記本網會員、加入以下 HKLUG facebook 群組、或/及 "like" 以下 Open Source Hong Kong facebook 頁面,便可以 HKLUG 臨時會員身份報名 World Internet Developers' Summit,可享受折扣及免費優惠出席部份工作坊和會議。如對本優惠有任何查詢,請電郵至 webmaster@opensource.hk

Mozilla 基金會 (台灣辦公室) 會安排講者前來 WIDS 作演講及工作坊,詳請可瀏覽 WIDS 網頁。


大學生暑假參與開源軟件開發,來賺零用錢和結識外地朋友吧 - Google Summer of Code 2012

Spread the word to your friends! 如果你是大學生,這個夏天你又有興趣參與 open source projects 工作,就要密切留意 Google Summer of Code 2012 網站了。

參加 Google Summer of Code,除了可以賺零用錢和結識外地朋友外,你也可為自己 CV 加上一項好的經驗作別人參考。


台灣第一場JavaScript開發者研討會 (JSDC) 誠徵議題

台灣第一場JavaScript開發者研討會(JSDC),將在2012年05月19日於中研院人社館舉辦,報名預定於四月初公告 。現正在誠徵議題中,截止收件日期為3月10日。

JavasScript 這幾年的崛起,尤其在 HTML5 和 Node.js 出現之後更讓 JavaScript 程式蔚為風潮 。 目前不論是前、後端的開發,只需要用JavasScript一種語言便可以建置起整個網頁或是移動平台產品。 隨著近年來Web與Mobile程式的蓬勃發展、JavaScript這當初單純的網頁開發腳本語言, 衍生出了jQuery、 YUI以及NodeJS等各種應用。 在各開發領域(如:桌面程式、手機、等等)中也逐漸成為不可或缺的一部分.

一、使大眾能夠理解 JavaScript 的現況、變化以及最新的應用
二、突破程式語言藩籬透過 JavaScript 讓開發者之間互相經驗交流與分享

就從現在投稿議題, 和JavaScript社群一起撼動未來。在此徵求JavaScript相關議題, 本次JSDC共兩種議題型式,Session 為 30分鐘,Lightning talk 為 5分鐘。


OSDC.tw - 台灣 Open Source Developer Conference 2012 (Apr 14-15)

台灣 OSDC 2012 (4/14-15) 兩天的議程也可在網站看到,恭喜香港 Java User Group 的 Sunny 成為講員之一講述Garbage Collection Algorithms in OpenJDK。



  1. 詭辯老輸執書日記簿: 二月份Open Source Workshop簡報~~~ http://marcolibrary.blogspot.com/2012/02/open-source-workshop.html
  2. webOS & Android open source project - governance model compared: http://arst.ch/shq
  3. More on Wayland Architecture: http://goo.gl/l0M9y
  4. Open Advice is a knowledge collection from a wide variety of Free Software projects. It answers the question what 42 prominent contributors would have liked to know when they started so you can get a head-start no matter how and where you contribute (PDF download available): http://open-advice.org/
  5. 3月28日 - 文件自由日 Document Freedom Day http://documentfreedom.org/
  6. 8月份 - 台灣開源人年會 COSCUP (兩大台灣開源會議) http://www.coscup.org/
  7. 9月15日 - 軟件自由日 Software Freedom Day http://www.softwarefreedomday.org/
文/Editor: Sammy Fung

2012年2月16日 星期四

Why QR Codes Won’t Last


Like most technology fans, I am always ready and willing to try any technology that promises to simplify my life. QR codes seemed to present an accessible and uniform way for people with smart devices to interact with advertising, marketing and media. Those little squares of code seemed to open a world of opportunity and potential. But after using them for a length of time, I shifted my perspective.

My initial honeymoon with QR codes was very short-lived. The initial rush that I had received from trying to frame the code on my device had lost its luster. I started to view QR codes as a barrier to additional information. And in many instances, the rewards (whatever I received as a result of scanning the code) did not measure up to the effort of the transaction itself.

Consider a recent study by comScore, which states that only 14 million American mobile device users have have interacted with a QR code. In essence, less than 5% of the American public has scanned a QR code. So where’s the disconnect?

Inadequate technology, lack of education and a perceived dearth of value from QR codes are just three of the reasons mobile barcodes are not clicking with Americans. But it goes deeper than that.

Humans are visual animals. We have visceral reactions to images that a QR code can never evoke; what we see is directly linked to our moods, our purchasing habits and our behaviors. It makes sense, then, that a more visual alternative to QR codes would not only be preferable to consumers, but would most likely stimulate more positive responses to their presence.

The QR Alternative

Enter mobile visual search (MVS). With MVS, you simply point at a product or logo and shoot a picture with your smartphone’s built-in camera. Within seconds, the MVS application will provide product or company information, or even the option to make a purchase right then and there on your mobile device.

MVS is a far more compelling and interactive tool to enable mobile marketing and commerce. In today’s increasingly mobile world, instant gratification is the norm, and taking the extra step of finding a QR code scanner on your mobile device no longer makes sense. With MVS, you are interacting with images that are familiar and desirable, not a square of code that elicits no reaction.

The opportunities are boundless with MVS. Unlike two-dimensional barcodes and QR codes, MVS will have wrap-around and three-dimensional recognition capabilities. Even traditional advertising will be revitalized with MVS. For example, picture an interactive print campaign that incorporates MVS as part of a competition or game. Marketers can offer instant gratification in the form of videos, mobile links, coupons or discounts as incentive for taking the best pictures of a particular product or logo.

The world has already started to migrate to MVS. For example, companies in Argentina and South Korea currently allow commuters waiting for subways or buses to view images of groceries or office supplies. Embedded within these images are recognitions triggers: Smartphone users place and pay for an order to be delivered or picked up within minutes.

Also, MVS can cash in on word-of-mouth marketing. Marketers will seamlessly link their campaigns to social networks so consumers can share photos and rewards, such as vouchers, coupons or music downloads, with their friends and followers.

QR Code Security Risks

In addition to being a more versatile medium, mobile visual search is also more secure than QR code technology. Cybercriminals are able to cloak smartphone QR code attacks due to the nature of the technology — QR codes’ entire purpose is to store data within the code. There is no way to know where that code is going to take you: a legitimate website, infected site, malicious app or a phishing site. MVS’s encryption modality will eliminate the opportunity for malicious code to download to your smartphone.

Recently, there have been documented cases of QR code misuse and abuse around the globe. For instance, infected QR codes can download an app that embeds a hidden SMS texting charge in your monthly cellphone bill. QR codes can also be used to gain full access to a smartphone — Internet access, camera, GPS, read/write local storage and contact data. All of the data from a smartphone can be downloaded and stolen, putting the user at risk for identity theft — without the user noticing.

Mobile visual search is a safer and more secure technology that can provide more information and content than a QR code, without as many security risks. By focusing on real-world objects and images rather than code, MVS lessens the risk of a virus or Trojan attack.

Safety, security and versatility — there are many reasons that MVS will supplant QR codes. However, there is one important, largely overlooked reason to favor MVS over QR codes: For the first time, we will be able connect with our actual surroundings in a truly interactive way. We will be able to provide a virtual marketplace that is familiar and accessible. Humanizing this interaction and making it more visual are the foundations of MVS’s imminent success.

Jon Barocas is the founder and CEO of bieMEDIA, a Denver-based online marketing and media solutions company that specializes in video content production and distribution, mobile visual search, technology platforms, SEO, VSEO and more.

FBI might shutdown the Internet on March 8


Millions of computer users across the world could be blocked off from the Internet as early as March 8 if the FBI follows through with plans to yank a series of servers originally installed to combat corruption.

Last year, authorities in Estonia apprehended six men believed responsible for creating a malicious computer script called the DNSChanger Trojan. Once set loose on the Web, the worm corrupted computers in upwards of 100 countries, including an estimated 500,000 in America alone. The US Federal Bureau of Investigation later stepped up by replacing the rogue Trojan with servers of their own in an attempt to remediate the damage, but the fix was only temporary. Now the FBI is expected to end use of those replacement servers as early as next month and, at that point, the Internet for millions could essentially be over.

When functioning as its creators intended, the DNSChanger Trojan infected computers and redirected users hoping to surf to certain websites to malicious ones. Traditionally, DNS, or Domain Name System, servers translate alphabetical, traditional website URLs to their actual, numeric counterpart in order to guide users across the World Wide Web. Once infected by the DNSChanger Trojan, however, websites entered into Internet browsers were hijacked to malicious servers and, in turn, directed the user to an unintended, fraudulent site.

In coordination with the arrests in Estonia, the FBI shut down the malicious DNSChanger botnet network, and, additionally, replaced them with surrogate servers to correct the problem. Those servers, however, were installed "just long enough for companies and home users to remove DNSChanger malware from their machines," according to the court order that established them. That deadline is March 8, and those surrogate servers are expected to be retired then. At that point, computers still infected with the Trojan will be essentially unable to navigate the Internet.

Who, exactly, will be affected? Security company IID (Internet Identity) believes that half of all Fortune 500 companies and more than two dozen major government entities in the US are still currently infected with the worm as of early 2012. Unless they take the proper steps to eradicate the Trojan from their systems, millions of users worldwide will be left hog-tied, helplessly attempting to navigate to nonexistent servers and, in effect, without the Web.

“At this rate, a lot of users are going to see their Internet break on March 8,” Rod Rasmussen, president and chief technology officer at Internet Identity, cautions Krebs On Security.

Currently, both the computer industry and law enforcement are working together through a coalition they’ve established called the DNSChanger Working Group. That group has been tasked with examining the options in phasing out the surrogate servers set up by the feds, but unless an alternative plan is agreed on, a great port of the Web will go dark next month.

“I’m guessing a lot more people would care at that point,” Rasmussen adds. While infected users are cautioned to correct the problem now, millions internationally are still believed to be infected. “It certainly would be an interesting social experiment if these systems just got cut off,” he adds.

2012年1月31日 星期二

香港開源通訊 HK Open Source Newsletter #6 (2012/01/31)

香港開源通訊 HK Open Source Newsletter #6 (2012/01/31)
文/Editor: Sammy Fung (opensource.hk evangelist)
(English version is enclosed after Chinese version)



Open Source Workshop #3 (Feb 2012)
2月4日 (六) 14:30-18:00 城大 B5-207 課室


  • 14:45 Build and distribute virtualized development environment using Vagrant (Francis Chong aka @siuying) (25-min Talk)
  • 15:15 Hash! (Wong Wan Leung aka @wanleung) (25-min Talk)
  • 15:45 細說opera mini和miniweb app的技術之分別和在侵權中,散佈之定義及其灰色地帶我找到了方法證明2者之分別。 (@wanleung) (5-min Lightning Talk)
  • 15:55 OLPC XO背後的(主要)軟件:Sugar圖形環境 (馬曉駿) (5-min Lightning Talk)
  • 16:00 Workshop - Fanless XO School Server for OLPC (OLPC Volunteers)
  • 16:00 自由討論/小組工作坊時間 - 帶我們大家的 open source / Linux 問題和 ideas 來 workshop,向別人尋找答案、幫助、ideas。

報名: https://www.facebook.com/events/250303505030942/ 或 email 給 webmaster@opensource.hk

Open Source Workshop 簡介:

  • 帶我們大家的 open source / Linux 問題和 ideas 來 workshop,向別人尋找答案、幫助、ideas。
  • 在 5 分鐘的閃電講 / 25 分鐘演講,向別人介紹和分享你的經驗和知識。
  • 幫助新手在他們 laptop 上安裝 Linux,向新手講述和討論為何、如何使用 open source / Linux。
  • 跟舊朋友聚舊,認識新朋友,建立你在社群的人際網絡。
  • workshops 後可以一起去吃晚飯,繼續聊天。

Hong Kong MeeGo Network - February 2012 Meet-up
2月5日 (日) 15:00-18:00 金鐘太古廣場二期 LG1 Triple O's

Meet-up on Feb 5: Meet @amanda_lam, @crazyphoneguy, @jjklee & @taike_hk to chat about MeeGo, Tizen, N9/N950, NFC & other gadgets in general!

報名: https://www.facebook.com/events/220494981374533/

Hacking Thursday #14
2月9日 (四) 19:30-22:30 地點待定

H4HK經歷12月1月這2個多工作或多外遊的季節後, 會於2月再重新啟動. 為了避開HKLUG和opensource hk 合辦的opensource workshop活動, 令到活動編排不太過密, 現暫定在每月的第二及第四星期舉行. 詳情請留意相關網頁及FB GROUP. 謝謝.

香港的 Hacking Thursday (以下簡稱 H4HK) 同樣由一班自由軟體/開放源碼開發者所發起,參考台灣的Hacking Thursday 方式進行。目前每隔週四晚上舉行一次,地點以 cafe 為主。目的是以非會議形式、交換並實做各自提出的想法,輕鬆的會議過程以禮貌、謙遜與尊重的互信態度接納並鼓勵概念發想、發起新計畫、並從開發者的協同開 發與經驗分享中互相學習。與台灣的不同,H4HK 不一定有固定的題目,一般會以互相分享發表各種經驗為主,包括行業最新的情況、開發者各種經驗的交流,希望能當中發掘各種專案的興趣並付諸行動。

查詢: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hacking4hk/



[每童一電腦 亞太區] OLPC celebrates the Year of the Dragon! 恭喜發財! (英文) http://bit.ly/xrtIod
OSI Reform At FOSDEM - reorganize its governance from a board-only organization into a member-based structure http://bit.ly/ywozpe
[詭辯老輸執書日記簿] 2012年Open Source Workshop第一回~~~ http://bit.ly/Ab3GLM

To promote open source, you are welcome to forward this newsletter to your friends.

Upcoming Events

Open Source Workshop #3 (Feb 2012)
Feb 4 (Sat) 14:30-18:00 CityU B5-207

A monthly regular open source / Linux meetup is re-launched for upcoming months (1st Saturdays of each month)!


  • 14:45 Build and distribute virtualized development environment using Vagrant (Francis Chong aka @siuying) (25-min Talk)
  • 15:15 Hash! (Wong Wan Leung aka @wanleung) (25-min Talk)
  • 15:45 Difference of opera mini and miniweb app technologies, and its copyright issues (@wanleung) (5-min Lightning Talk)
  • 15:55 OLPC XO (Key) Software: Sugar GUI (馬曉駿) (5-min Lightning Talk)
  • 16:00 Workshop - Fanless XO School Server for OLPC (OLPC Volunteers)
  • 16:00 Free Discussion/Workshop - bring our open source / Linux questions and ideas to workshop to seek for answers, helps, ideas from others.

RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/events/250303505030942/ 或 email 給 webmaster@opensource.hk

Introduction of Open Source Workshop

  • bring our open source / Linux questions and ideas to workshop to seek for answers, helps, ideas from others.
  • in 5-min lightning talks / 25-min talk, present and share your experience, knowledge to us.
  • assist newbies to install Linux on their own laptops, tell and discuss why and how to use open source / Linux to/with newbies
  • meet with old friends, making new friends, building your own social network.
  • having informal dinner together after workshops and chit-chat!

Hong Kong MeeGo Network - February 2012 Meet-up
Feb 5 (Sun) 15:00-18:00 LG1 Triple O's, LG1, Pacific Place 2, Admiralty

Meet-up on Feb 5: Meet @amanda_lam, @crazyphoneguy, @jjklee & @taike_hk to chat about MeeGo, Tizen, N9/N950, NFC & other gadgets in general!

RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/events/220494981374533/

Hacking Thursday #14
Feb 9 (Thu) 19:30-22:30 TBC

Enquiry: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hacking4hk/

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Yours Sincerely,
Sammy Fung

2012年1月19日 星期四

Meet John O'Duinn, the Director of Release Engineering of Mozilla


19:30 至 22:30

地點: 9/F, 633 King's Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong

John O'Duinn, the Director of Release Engineering of Mozilla, will be in Hong Kong. He would like to meet people in Hong Kong who are interested in Mozilla, Firefox, etc.

Thanks for our sponsor - Hong Kong Commons.


Sammy Fung