2012年1月31日 星期二

香港開源通訊 HK Open Source Newsletter #6 (2012/01/31)

香港開源通訊 HK Open Source Newsletter #6 (2012/01/31)
文/Editor: Sammy Fung (opensource.hk evangelist)
(English version is enclosed after Chinese version)



Open Source Workshop #3 (Feb 2012)
2月4日 (六) 14:30-18:00 城大 B5-207 課室


  • 14:45 Build and distribute virtualized development environment using Vagrant (Francis Chong aka @siuying) (25-min Talk)
  • 15:15 Hash! (Wong Wan Leung aka @wanleung) (25-min Talk)
  • 15:45 細說opera mini和miniweb app的技術之分別和在侵權中,散佈之定義及其灰色地帶我找到了方法證明2者之分別。 (@wanleung) (5-min Lightning Talk)
  • 15:55 OLPC XO背後的(主要)軟件:Sugar圖形環境 (馬曉駿) (5-min Lightning Talk)
  • 16:00 Workshop - Fanless XO School Server for OLPC (OLPC Volunteers)
  • 16:00 自由討論/小組工作坊時間 - 帶我們大家的 open source / Linux 問題和 ideas 來 workshop,向別人尋找答案、幫助、ideas。

報名: https://www.facebook.com/events/250303505030942/ 或 email 給 webmaster@opensource.hk

Open Source Workshop 簡介:

  • 帶我們大家的 open source / Linux 問題和 ideas 來 workshop,向別人尋找答案、幫助、ideas。
  • 在 5 分鐘的閃電講 / 25 分鐘演講,向別人介紹和分享你的經驗和知識。
  • 幫助新手在他們 laptop 上安裝 Linux,向新手講述和討論為何、如何使用 open source / Linux。
  • 跟舊朋友聚舊,認識新朋友,建立你在社群的人際網絡。
  • workshops 後可以一起去吃晚飯,繼續聊天。

Hong Kong MeeGo Network - February 2012 Meet-up
2月5日 (日) 15:00-18:00 金鐘太古廣場二期 LG1 Triple O's

Meet-up on Feb 5: Meet @amanda_lam, @crazyphoneguy, @jjklee & @taike_hk to chat about MeeGo, Tizen, N9/N950, NFC & other gadgets in general!

報名: https://www.facebook.com/events/220494981374533/

Hacking Thursday #14
2月9日 (四) 19:30-22:30 地點待定

H4HK經歷12月1月這2個多工作或多外遊的季節後, 會於2月再重新啟動. 為了避開HKLUG和opensource hk 合辦的opensource workshop活動, 令到活動編排不太過密, 現暫定在每月的第二及第四星期舉行. 詳情請留意相關網頁及FB GROUP. 謝謝.

香港的 Hacking Thursday (以下簡稱 H4HK) 同樣由一班自由軟體/開放源碼開發者所發起,參考台灣的Hacking Thursday 方式進行。目前每隔週四晚上舉行一次,地點以 cafe 為主。目的是以非會議形式、交換並實做各自提出的想法,輕鬆的會議過程以禮貌、謙遜與尊重的互信態度接納並鼓勵概念發想、發起新計畫、並從開發者的協同開 發與經驗分享中互相學習。與台灣的不同,H4HK 不一定有固定的題目,一般會以互相分享發表各種經驗為主,包括行業最新的情況、開發者各種經驗的交流,希望能當中發掘各種專案的興趣並付諸行動。

查詢: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hacking4hk/



[每童一電腦 亞太區] OLPC celebrates the Year of the Dragon! 恭喜發財! (英文) http://bit.ly/xrtIod
OSI Reform At FOSDEM - reorganize its governance from a board-only organization into a member-based structure http://bit.ly/ywozpe
[詭辯老輸執書日記簿] 2012年Open Source Workshop第一回~~~ http://bit.ly/Ab3GLM

To promote open source, you are welcome to forward this newsletter to your friends.

Upcoming Events

Open Source Workshop #3 (Feb 2012)
Feb 4 (Sat) 14:30-18:00 CityU B5-207

A monthly regular open source / Linux meetup is re-launched for upcoming months (1st Saturdays of each month)!


  • 14:45 Build and distribute virtualized development environment using Vagrant (Francis Chong aka @siuying) (25-min Talk)
  • 15:15 Hash! (Wong Wan Leung aka @wanleung) (25-min Talk)
  • 15:45 Difference of opera mini and miniweb app technologies, and its copyright issues (@wanleung) (5-min Lightning Talk)
  • 15:55 OLPC XO (Key) Software: Sugar GUI (馬曉駿) (5-min Lightning Talk)
  • 16:00 Workshop - Fanless XO School Server for OLPC (OLPC Volunteers)
  • 16:00 Free Discussion/Workshop - bring our open source / Linux questions and ideas to workshop to seek for answers, helps, ideas from others.

RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/events/250303505030942/ 或 email 給 webmaster@opensource.hk

Introduction of Open Source Workshop

  • bring our open source / Linux questions and ideas to workshop to seek for answers, helps, ideas from others.
  • in 5-min lightning talks / 25-min talk, present and share your experience, knowledge to us.
  • assist newbies to install Linux on their own laptops, tell and discuss why and how to use open source / Linux to/with newbies
  • meet with old friends, making new friends, building your own social network.
  • having informal dinner together after workshops and chit-chat!

Hong Kong MeeGo Network - February 2012 Meet-up
Feb 5 (Sun) 15:00-18:00 LG1 Triple O's, LG1, Pacific Place 2, Admiralty

Meet-up on Feb 5: Meet @amanda_lam, @crazyphoneguy, @jjklee & @taike_hk to chat about MeeGo, Tizen, N9/N950, NFC & other gadgets in general!

RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/events/220494981374533/

Hacking Thursday #14
Feb 9 (Thu) 19:30-22:30 TBC

Enquiry: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hacking4hk/

Upcoming Events

Recommended Articles
[OLPC Asia] OLPC celebrates the Year of the Dragon! 恭喜發財! http://bit.ly/xrtIod
OSI Reform At FOSDEM - reorganize its governance from a board-only organization into a member-based structure http://bit.ly/ywozpe

Yours Sincerely,
Sammy Fung
