2009年6月26日 星期五



在英國政府內統領保安事務的韋斯特勛爵 (Lord West)發出警告,指現時已經漸漸普及成為人類生活一部分的電子通訊產品例如「黑莓」(Blackberry)和iPhone手機等,很容易被間諜、犯 罪分子甚至恐怖分子襲擊。事實上,拉登領導的恐怖組織「基地」正意圖向英國發動電子及網絡戰,英國決定成立一個電子及網絡保安部門,加強防衛能力,應付這 方面的威脅,包括來自中國和俄羅斯的威脅。






2009年6月10日 星期三


近來發覺政治已滲入高科技團體; 本來以為自己在参與高科技活動, 但週圍的人都在講政治, 覺得自已入錯了空間 !

政治是一個多面貌的動物, 可以好單純, 也可以好奸惑 ! 權利會使人失去理性 !
外面的權勢你又知幾多 ?

八國聯軍的教訓, 我們要永遠記住 !

所以政治, 唔好預我 !


裝有過濾軟件的電腦你會買嗎 ?













Facebook Username


Get your thinking caps on because you have just a few days to figure out the vanity URL you want to have associated with your Facebook page. They’re coming, not just for celebrities and well-known people, but for us ordinary people who Facebook has finally decided are deserving of a name rather than a number.

The rumors that have been doing the rounds for a couple of weeks have proved true - Facebook is introducing vanity URLs this Saturday (June 13). From 12:01 a.m. EDT on that day you’ll be given the option to choose a username for your Facebook profile which will then form the URL. So it’ll go from Facebook.com/01010101 to Facebook.com/ilovevanityurls or whatever you want it to be.

There are multiple reasons Facebook is doing this, the first being that there’s been a demand for it, particularly in light of the popularity of Twitter and its vanity URLs. It will also help SEO, help people connect with other easier by simply giving out their Facebook username rather than instructing someone to search for them, and introduce the possibility for @myname type responses to be made. The last of which is likely to turn Facebook more into Twitter than it already is.

Facebook is setting some ground rules on the process. Most importantly, once chosen, the username cannot be changed. Ever. Which means you need to get it right the first time. Unless you fancy setting a new account up and rebuilding your friends list just to get a new username.

Not that you’ll be able to do that for a while. In an attempt to prevent username squatting, Facebook will initially not allow anyone who set an account up after 3 p.m. today to choose a vanity URL. At least for the time being. I suspect it’ll be at least a month or two until the situation changes.

There was early speculation that the vanity URLs would have to be paid for but it looks as though Facebook has decided against charging for the pleasure of being a name rather than a number. Probably because only a tiny minority would have bothered paying the asking price. So free it is, thankfully.
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# Rumor: Facebook preparing to roll out vanity URLs
# Forget domain squatting, now it’s username squatting
# Facebook plans to launch Facebook Connect
# Google targeting Facebook and MySpace
# Facebook working to take on iTunes Store, Amazon MP3 Service

2009年6月3日 星期三

New malware attack infecting Web sites


Security firm Websense has put out an advisory warning Web site owners about malicious code that redirects surfers to seemingly safe sites.

About 40,000 Web sites appear to have been compromised with rogue JavaScript code that redirects Web surfers to a fake Google Analytics site, after which they get passed onto a site that tries to exploit Internet Explorer or Firefox vulnerabilities to infect that PC with malware, according to a Websense researcher quoted by Computerworld. Just for good measure, if the site can't find a browser vulnerability, it tries to trick the user into downloading a Trojan.

It's not clear how the sites were compromised, but Computerworld reported the redirect sites are being hosted in the Ukraine, implying that the Russian Business Network is behind the threat.

This is a separate scam from the Gumblar attack that made the rounds last week, according to Websense.