2009年5月21日 星期四
小心 IIS 漏洞
轉用 Linux Apache server 啦 !
It apparently didn't take long for hackers to try to take advantage of a zero-day hole in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS).
Ball State University in Muncie, Ind., told The Register that servers running the program were breached on Monday, the same day Microsoft warned the public about the vulnerability.
Students accessing their iWeb pages on Monday saw messages saying the system had been hacked, The Register reported on Wednesday. There is no evidence data was stolen or malicious files uploaded, however the iWeb accounts were expected to be offline until Thursday or Friday, according to Patty Lucas, a senior help desk support administrator for the university's computing services department.
Microsoft, meanwhile, said it has investigated a public report of a targeted attack on the IIS hole, but did not specify whether it was the Ball State University breach that was looked into.
The investigation "revealed that the vulnerability was not exploited to accomplish this attack," a Microsoft spokeswoman wrote in an e-mail late on Wednesday. "Microsoft is still not aware of attacks that are trying to use this vulnerability or of customer impact at this time."
The computing services department referred a call from CNET News on Wednesday afternoon to the communications department, which was already closed for the day.
The security vulnerability could allow an attacker to gain access to a location that typically requires authentication by using a specially crafted anonymous HTTP request, according to the Microsoft security bulletin. The problem exists in the way that the WebDAV extension for IIS handles HTTP requests.
According to a posting to the Full Disclosure security e-mail list on Friday, the IIS security vulnerability was discovered on May 12 by Nikolaos Rangos.
It apparently didn't take long for hackers to try to take advantage of a zero-day hole in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS).
Ball State University in Muncie, Ind., told The Register that servers running the program were breached on Monday, the same day Microsoft warned the public about the vulnerability.
Students accessing their iWeb pages on Monday saw messages saying the system had been hacked, The Register reported on Wednesday. There is no evidence data was stolen or malicious files uploaded, however the iWeb accounts were expected to be offline until Thursday or Friday, according to Patty Lucas, a senior help desk support administrator for the university's computing services department.
Microsoft, meanwhile, said it has investigated a public report of a targeted attack on the IIS hole, but did not specify whether it was the Ball State University breach that was looked into.
The investigation "revealed that the vulnerability was not exploited to accomplish this attack," a Microsoft spokeswoman wrote in an e-mail late on Wednesday. "Microsoft is still not aware of attacks that are trying to use this vulnerability or of customer impact at this time."
The computing services department referred a call from CNET News on Wednesday afternoon to the communications department, which was already closed for the day.
The security vulnerability could allow an attacker to gain access to a location that typically requires authentication by using a specially crafted anonymous HTTP request, according to the Microsoft security bulletin. The problem exists in the way that the WebDAV extension for IIS handles HTTP requests.
According to a posting to the Full Disclosure security e-mail list on Friday, the IIS security vulnerability was discovered on May 12 by Nikolaos Rangos.
2009年5月20日 星期三
Google 周 二 開 始 在 旗 下 的 免 費 電 郵 服 務 Gmail 加 入 自 動 翻 譯 功 能 , 讓 用 戶 只 要 按一 按 滑 鼠 鍵 , 就 可 將 電 郵 訊 息 翻 譯 成 另 一 種 語 言 , 目 前 可 供 翻 譯 的 語 言 達 數 十 種 之多 。
Google 周 二 開 始 在 旗 下 的 免 費 電 郵 服 務 Gmail 加 入 自 動 翻 譯 功 能 , 讓 用 戶 只 要 按一 按 滑 鼠 鍵 , 就 可 將 電 郵 訊 息 翻 譯 成 另 一 種 語 言 , 目 前 可 供 翻 譯 的 語 言 達 數 十 種 之多 。
2009年5月14日 星期四
中國勁 !
據報道,美國國家情報局和戰略司令部顧問科爾曼( Kevin Coleman),上月底在國會聽證會透露,中國已部署好打網絡戰,早於 2001年開始研發麒麟電腦作業系統,政府和軍方前年開始轉用,大大強化伺服器安全防衞能力,使美國網絡攻擊能力大為削弱。美國網絡戰向來針對安全性較低的微軟視窗、 Linux和 UNIX,面對中國國產麒麟,暫未做到知己知彼。
加拿大電腦安全專家羅賀辛斯基( Rafal Rohozinski)透露,他經兩年調查發現,中國政府贊助的「鬼網」策劃了一個極度精密的全球電腦攻擊網,鬼網的電子攻擊源自海南島的電子郵件,專門針對大使館和非政府組織電腦。
中國軍方又不斷招募黑客,像 2005年招募了四川大學研究生譚代林(譯音),連續 30天每天 16小時訓練他發動網絡攻擊,同年年底他已成功入侵五角大廈電腦。
據報道,美國國家情報局和戰略司令部顧問科爾曼( Kevin Coleman),上月底在國會聽證會透露,中國已部署好打網絡戰,早於 2001年開始研發麒麟電腦作業系統,政府和軍方前年開始轉用,大大強化伺服器安全防衞能力,使美國網絡攻擊能力大為削弱。美國網絡戰向來針對安全性較低的微軟視窗、 Linux和 UNIX,面對中國國產麒麟,暫未做到知己知彼。
加拿大電腦安全專家羅賀辛斯基( Rafal Rohozinski)透露,他經兩年調查發現,中國政府贊助的「鬼網」策劃了一個極度精密的全球電腦攻擊網,鬼網的電子攻擊源自海南島的電子郵件,專門針對大使館和非政府組織電腦。
中國軍方又不斷招募黑客,像 2005年招募了四川大學研究生譚代林(譯音),連續 30天每天 16小時訓練他發動網絡攻擊,同年年底他已成功入侵五角大廈電腦。
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