2013年4月28日 星期日

Open Source Workshop #13 (2013/5/4)

下個 HKLUG 和 OSHK 合辦的開源工作坊將於 5 月 4 日城大舉行,建議主題是 Web,歡迎交題目來分享任何 Open Source 有關的講題作 talk 或 workshop 等。

第 13 次開源工作坊 (2013年5月)

日期: 2013 年 5 月 4 日 (星期六)
時間: 14:30 - 17:45
地點: 香港城市大學一號教學樓 5/F Y5-205 課室。
報名: http://registrano.com/events/508972
Facebok 報名 (OSHK): https://www.facebook.com/events/280182835446159/
聯絡: Sammy Fung sammy@opensource.hk

14:00 Reception, Networking
14:30 Talks
- Opening by Sammy Fung.
- Joomla by Simon Ball.
- What's happening at Open Source Hackfest by Mathieu Bridon.
- And more, let tell us if u got anything would like to share.
16:00 Break
16:15 Workshop (Open Source Hackfest)
17:45 End

特別鳴謝: 香港城市大學電腦系. (場地提供)

台灣開源人年會 2013 海外徵稿和第一輪 keynote 講者公佈

(Keynote: 政委張善政,Greg Kroah-Hartman)

COSCUP 全稱為 Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters,COSCUP 是台灣最大型開放源碼年會,今年預期 1,800 人出席。

COSCUP 2013 將移師到更大場地的台灣國際會議中心 (TICC),2013/8/3-4 舉行。

話說今年台灣開源人年會 COSCUP 主題之一 OpenData,其中扮演相當重要的角色 — 當然就是政府囉!

而今年我們非常興奮的邀請到曾任 Google 亞太營運總監,數年來擔任政府雲端技術以及 OpenData 的推手 — 張善政行政院政務委員擔任 Keynote 講者!

另外,台灣開源人年會 COSCUP 辦得那麼龐大,聚集台灣本土超過 20 個社群,甚至香港、日本、大陸社群去出席,號稱開源「社群大拜拜」。

COSCUP 這個開源社群大拜拜要拜什麼呢?當然是「拜大神」了!

今年 COSCUP 邀請到了 Linux Kernel 「第一位交椅」- Linux Kernel stable branch maintainer、知名 Linux Kernel 開發者 Greg Kroah-Hartman 來台演講!

Greg Kroah-Hartman 是 Linux Kernel 相當多組件的維護者包括 Linux Kernel stable branch,USB, sysfs 等等,更撰寫了現在每個 Linux 使用者每天都會用到 udev 裝置管理系統!他亦是 Linus Torvalds 之外, 另一位 Linux Foundation 負責全職 Linux Kernel 開發的 Fellows。

OpenData 的開發者們怎麼能錯過跟政府直接交流的機會呢?跟大神一起在 COSCUP 演講的機會?趕快來投稿 COSCUP 吧! (5/3 截止)

香港朋友除左可向大會查詢外,還可以聯絡我 (Sammy Fung),我是今年 COSCUP 議程組成員之一。


Next Open Source Workshop co-organized by HKLUG and OSHK will be hosted again at CityU in 2013/5/4 Saturday. Suggested theme is Web, you are welcome to submit any open source related topics for talk or workshop, etc.

Open Source Workshop #13 (2013 May)

Date: 4 May 2013 Saturday
Time: 14:30 - 17:45
Venue: Classroom Y5-205, Academic 1, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Road, Kowloon Tong.
RSVP: http://registrano.com/events/508972
Facebok RSVP (OSHK): https://www.facebook.com/events/280182835446159/
Contact: Sammy Fung sammy@opensource.hk

14:00 Reception, Networking
14:30 Talks
16:00 Break
16:15 Workshop
17:45 End

Special Thanks: Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong (Venue Provider)

Yours Sincerely,
Sammy Fung
Community Manager
Open Source Hong Kong

2013年4月19日 星期五

Alert- US House of Representatives Passes CISPA Cybersecurity Bill


The US House of Representatives has passed the controversial Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protect Act (CISPA).
Lawmakers in the House voted 288-to-127 Thursday afternoon to accept the bill. Next it will move to the Senate and could then end up on the desk of US President Barack Obama for him to potentially sign the bill into law.

2013年4月7日 星期日

[ITFest] 自由及開源軟件在香港研討會 Seminar on Free and Open Source Software in Hong Kong

日期: 2013年4月20日(星期六)
時間: 下午3:00-6:00
地點: 九龍塘達之路,香港城巿大學,教學大樓四樓,LT-15演講廳
語言:廣東話 (部份附英文演示片)
聯絡人: 蘇孝恆博士 / info@linux.org.hk
參加者必須在 http://registrano.com/events/hklugitfest2013/ 登記。
  • 主辦單位致開幕詞
  • 立法會議員 (資訊科技界) 莫乃光致開幕詞
  • LinuxPilot – 亞洲唯一的中文Linux期刊 (麥經倫先生)
  • 開源軟件如何在香港協助推廣開放資料 (馮振華先生)
  • 開源硬件與教育 - Raspberry Pi和三維印刷 3D Printing (梁志宏老師)
  • 自由及開源軟件與長者 (梁敬文先生)
活動主辦:香港 Linux 用家協會 (HKLUG)
Different individuals and organisations in Hong Kong are enjoying the benefits of Free and Open Source Software. In the Hong Kong International IT Fest, professionals from area of publishing, information technology, elderly service and secondary education will share own experiences in Free and Open Source Software.Seminar on Free and Open Source Software in Hong Kong
Date: 20 April 2013(Sat)
Time: 3-6pm
Venue: LT-15, 4/F. Academic Building 1, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong.
Language: Cantonese (English may be used in some slides)
Contact: Dr. Haggen So / info@linux.org.hk
Registration is required. Please register at http://registrano.com/events/hklugitfest2013/ .
  • Opening by Organizer
  • Opening Remarks by Legislative Council member (ITFC) Hon. Charles Mok.
  • LinuxPilot – the Chinese Linux Magazine (Mr. Kenneth Mak)
  • How does Open Source Software helps Open Data in Hong Kong (Mr. Sammy Fung)
  • Open Hardware and Education - Raspberry Pi and 3D Printer (Mr. Parker Leung)
  • Free and Open Source Software and Elders (Mr. Kingman Leung)
This event is organized by the Hong Kong Linux User Group (HKLUG).
Venue is sponsored and supplied by the Department of Computer Science, City University Hong Kong.
Yours Sincerely,
Sammy Fung
Community Manager
Open Source Hong Kong

2013年4月2日 星期二

Raspberry Pi 工作坊 (2013.04.06 PolyU)

*** 本活動名額有額,必需經由 Registrano 報名。 ***
*** 優先接納中學生報名 ***

Raspberry Pi 工作坊
日期2013 年 4 月 6 日 ( 星期六 )
時間下午 2:00-5:00
語言:廣東話 ( 部份附英文演示片 )
  • 什麼是Raspberry Pi?
  • 如何使用 Raspberry Pi 學習
  • Raspberry Pi 電子實驗習作 (以小組進行)
  • 先經 Registrano 表格報名,等待主辦單位人手接納報名。
  • 中學生將被優先接納。

人數:20 人
主辦單位:香港 Linux 用家協會
協助單位:Open Source Hong Kong
This is a workshop conducted in Cantonese. Local secondary school students are primary targeted participants in this workshop, and they will have first priority to get a seat after registration.
Raspberry Pi Workshop
Date: 2013.4.6 Saturday
Time: 2:00-5:00 pm
Venue: PolyU
Language: Cantonese
  • What is Raspberry Pi?
  • How to learn with Raspberry Pi ?
  • Practical Raspberry Pi workshop (in groups)
Registration Procedure:
  • Register thru Registrano is a must, and wait for confirmation / reply from organizer.
  • Students of local secondary school will be accepted in first priority.
Registration Form: http://registrano.com/events/32be70

Capacity: 20
Organizor: Hong Kong Linux User Gruop (HKLUG)
Venue Sponsor and Provder: Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechic University.
Supporting Organisation: Open Source Hong Kong
Yours Sincerely,
Sammy Fung
Community Manager
Open Source Hong Kong